ICMScE 2019 Conference

The Improvement Students Critical Thinking Ability Through Differentiated Instruction (DI) approach in terms of Learning Independence
Maulidiya (1*), E Nurlaelah (2), and Suhendra (2)

(1)Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, FPMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Critical thinking is needed to solve problems openly. However, the critical thinking ability of Indonesian junior high school students haven-t been optimal. One of mathematics teaching and learning that can improve students critical thinking ability is Differentiated Instruction (DI) approach. The purpose of this study is to know: (1) the improvement critical thinking ability of students who obtained learning with the Differentiated Instruction approach; (2) the differences in the improvement in critical thinking ability in terms of student learning independence. The method used in this study was quasi experiment with the nonequivalent control group design. The subjects of this study were eighth grade students of one of the junior high schools in Bandung. The results shows that: (1) there are differences in the improvement in critical thinking ability of mathematical students who experienced teaching and learning using the Differentiated Instruction approach and conventional approach; (2) there are differences in the increase in critical mathematical thinking ability of students who have high, medium and low learning independence. The results of research and data analysis, conclude that the Differentiated Instruction approach can improve students critical thinking ability.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Ability, Learning Independence, Differentiated Instruction (DI) approach

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/FNWU3ZpdBaY4

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