ICoSI 2019 Conference

Language Choice, Ideology and Translation: An Analysis of Indonesian Gossip Account In Social Media
Risa Mufliharsi, Emzir, Ratna Dewanti

1) State University Of Jakarta (UNJ)
2) Indraprata PGRI, Jakarta


While there are studies that linked with ideology in social media caption and studies on language choice in English context by social media translation machine, there is a paucity of study which link language choice and language choice in Indonesia. To address the gap, the current study examined the result of machine translation result compared with meaning of source taken in Indonesian gossip account in Instagram as medium in social media. In analyzing, the data taken from two Indonesian gossip account that had same reports, then translated by itranslation machine of instagram. After that, they are examined using an approach based on a critical discourse analysis of Fairclough. The data revealed showed that the language choice that showed in gossip accounts implied their ideology. Most of them could not be translated into English because the essence of news would be different.

Keywords: language choice, instagram, social media, translation studies

Topic: International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/FQtG9WqADYmE

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