MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Classification algorithm for forest fires prediction in The District of Kapuas Hulu
Betha Nurina Sari, Aji Primajaya

Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


Forest fires are one of the disasters that needs to be anticipated in the Kapuas Hulu area. Forest fire prediction is one of the any forms of early warning in order to prevent from forest fires. C5.0 Classification algorithm can be used to build prediction models for forest fires. The purpose of this study is to apply C5.0 for prediction of forest fires. The method used is Knowledge Discovery in Datamining which consists of data selecting, data cleaning, data transformation, data mining, Knowledge Presentation. The results obtained are C5.0 able to produce prediction models of forest fires.

Keywords: Classification Algorithm, Datamining, Forest Fire, Kapuas Hulu

Topic: Computer Science


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