BIS 2019 Conference

The Impact of Mind-Mapping Method to Student-s Career Decision Making
Sovi Septania (a*), Tansri Adzlan Shah (b)

a) Psychology Faculty, Muhammadiyah Lampung University Jl. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung *sovi.septania[at]
b) Psychology Faculty, Muhammadiyah Lampung University


Technology is constantly changing the way we work which will emphasize variance of work itself. It created a host of new position of job which never before existed. The career options available today are nothing like they were 20 years ago. Career decision making present an important role to endorse productive and precise career in the future. In other side, mind- mapping as a powerful tools is design to maximize career ideas, create concepts which can turn to career prototype to have a more concrete directions to test their prototype. The focus of this research was to determine the effect of mind-mapping methods on career decision making on Psychology faculty-s student in Muhammadiyah Lampung University. Research design using quasi-experimental one group pre-test & post-test design with 26 students as experiment group based on the pre-screening results. Research instrument used is career decision making scale. The results showed that mind-mapping method had significant effect on career decision making with paired samples t-test results with t score 6,405 (p <0.05). The average gain score before treatment was 91.61 increased to 103 after treatment. The goal selection aspect had a higher final total score with 546 score compared to other aspects. Therefore, mind-mapping method significantly influences the final goal selection process which is closely related to student career decision making.

Keywords: Mind-Mapping; Career Decision Making; Students

Topic: Psychology


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