ISLLCE 2019 Conference

A.A. Gede Suarjaya, I Kadek Agus Darmawan

Universitas Warmadewa


It can be described that the title of this paper is “English used by sellers at Campuhan Street Ubud.” The problems analyzed in this paper are about the English function and expression that are communicated by the sellers of the five art shops to their tourist. The number of the sellers that are used as the respondents or the data sources from which the data concerning with the problems which are examined in this paper are collected is five persons. Those respondents are one masculine and four feminine. The theory which is used to analyze the data is the theory of the language function which is mainly taken from a book reference entitled ‟Function in English‟ (1982) written by Blundell. Beside this theory, the theory which is also used to analyze these problems is the theory about the uses of the language functions which is primarily taken from a book reference entitled “function of English” (1986) written by Leo Jones. Beside from this reference, several supporting references that describe about the uses of the language functions are also referred to in analyzing these problems. Based on the data analysis, it can be explained that in communicating with their tourist, the sellers at Campuhan, Ubud chosen as respondents have used several functions of English Expressions. The English expressions which they have communicated to their tourist are the expressions for the function of: (1) greeting expression (2) giving price expression (3) getting information expression (4) inviting someone expression, (5) offering things expression, and (6) thanking expression. Most of the English expressions used in their communication by the sellers to the tourists are informal and neutral expressions.

Keywords: English Used, Seller

Topic: Language


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