ICAST 2019 Conference

Efforts to Increase Body Condition Score of Beef Cows through the Feeding of Concentrates in Small Farms
Jasmal A Syamsu1, Muhammad Yusuf2, Hikmah M Ali2, Sahiruddin2, Zulkharnaim2, Mawardi A Asja3

1Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, 90245, Makassar, Indonesia
2Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, 90245, Makassar, Indonesia
3Center for Research and Development of Natural Resources, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: jasmals[at]yahoo.com ; jasmal.syamsu[at]unhas.ac.id


This study aimed to determine the body condition score (BCS) of beef cows after feeding using concentrate in small farms. The research was carried out in five locations namely Barru, Bone, Gowa, Takalar and Bantaeng Districts, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia from September to December 2017. A total of 244 beef cows was fed forage in ad libitum and concentrate. The concentrate given was 2 kg / cow / day for 100 days with a crude protein content of 14%. The variables observed were the initial and final BCS observations using a scale of 1-5, and measurement of chest circumference. The results showed that the initial BCS value of the study was score 1 = 2.05%, score 2 = 22.95%, score 3 = 50.41%, score 4 = 22.54%, and score 5 = 2.05%. After feeding the concentrate, there was an improvement in body condition score (BCS) as indicated by an increase in BCS values, namely score 2 = 4.10%, score 3 = 31.56%, score 4 = 49.59%, and score 5 = 14.75%. The average chest circumference of beef cows showed differ significantly (p <0.05) between the beginning of the study 146.92 ± 12.39 cm and the end of the study 152.26 ± 12.29 cm.

Keywords: body condition score, beef cow, small farm

Topic: Animal Nutrition and feed technology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/G4cpzeKrPNnv

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