ICAS 2019 Conference

Establishment of New Political Branding Party: Case Study of Perindo Party
Achmad Jamil

Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
Jalan Meruya Selatan No1 Jakarta Barat


Branding has a central positions in the study of political marketing nowadays. This research determines the new political party in Indonesia and how they effort to make their own political branding to be recognize and well-known by the public, by selling their political product to the target market or potential voter. The study is qualitative research using the case study methods, the main framework are based on the model of political marketing of Product-Sales Market orientation. The result is, new political party implementing the function of market-intelligence from the MOP models, to create an effective communication strategy for the partys political brand, instead to make product design. Perindo focusing their branding on the partys competence to bring the solution of economy problem. This economy competence made Perindo become an alternative that release from the negative stigma of political parties, that tend to exist in the society. The study also showed the implementation of market based orientation are contextual.

Keywords: Political Branding, Brand, New Political Party, Brand Awareness, Brand Association

Topic: Communication

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/G8p3EBeh2TqW

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