Student Misconception Analysis of Fraction Concept.
R R Pulungan, Suhendra, D Dasari
Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Fraction is one of the important topic in mathematics learning that were still felt difficult by elementary school students, even by some middle school students. One of the proof was that there were students who experience misconceptions in the concept of fractions. This is one of the reasons for this research. The aim of study is to obtain a comprehensive description of students misconceptions in solving questions related to the concept of fractions. The subjects researched were seventh grade students of junior high school. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenological research. Data collection was taken by observations, tests and interviews. The methods used to identify students who experience misconceptions were, using CRI (Certainty Index Response) that was given when students have worked on the test questions given. CRI can be used to classify students identified as having misconceptions, dont understand the concept, and do not know the concept. The results of data analysis show that there are students who do not know the concept of fractions, understand the concept of fractions, and experience misconceptions in the concept of fractions. Students identified as having misconceptions on the concept of fractions: part whole model; part group model; number line model. The factors that cause students to experience misconceptions are, 1) the ability of students to be wrong in: putting values for the numerator and denominator on fractions; determining the overall part of the picture; determining which fraction has greater value or fraction whose value is smaller, 2) errors in using addition operations in fractions, 3) errors in linking the concept of fractions in daily life.
Keywords: Misconception, Certainty Index Response
Topic: Mathematics Education