BIS 2019 Conference

International Regulatory Framework to Strictly Prohibits Cyber Espionage
Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Cyber espionage employs computer network to gather illegal access to confidential information from government or certain organization. The advance development of technology acknowledges the sophisticated and illegal means of receiving highly confidential data or information for certain purposes that risk the national security of a state. However, international law is still silent to define and regulate cyber espionage especially at the time of peace. By applying the normative legal methodology, this study analyzes the current practices of cyber espionage in the 21st century and how far the international law could reach these illegal activities. This study concludes that the basic diplomatic norms shall be applied to cyber espionage. It strictly in contravention with the principle of non-intervention and sovereignty of a state. Moreover, this study proposed the international legal framework to regulate cyber espionage.

Keywords: Cyber Espionage, Regulatory Framework, Diplomatic Law

Topic: Law


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