ICORE 2019 Conference

Design Build More Current Relay Based Internet of Things Monitoring and Arduino as 1 Phase Electronic Protection
Verdiano Frandhiyawan, Istiyo Winarno and Daeng Rahmatullah

Electrical Engineering Study Program, University Hang Tuah


Abstract. The need for the fulfillment of electrical power that is often used daily is the necessity of security protection more current interference on the power system using the Mini Circuit Braker. In resolving the problems used the standard Inverse curves, Very Inverse and Extremely Inverse to determine the speed of relays by setting the current in the design equipment build Over Current Relay. In this research, the creation and testing of the entire hardware designed to build more current relay-based monitoring of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Arduino as 1-phase electronic protection. Tests on this study used Arduino IDE software that assists the function and operation of other components, replacing the performance of a factory-made Mini Circuit Braker system. Test current is made of 1 Ampere to 4 Ampere with Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) 0.09 on standard Inverse, Very Inverse and Extremely Inverse. In Inverse Standart, real test current interference of 1 Ampere with relay trip operating time is 542 millisecond, Very inverse rele trip 563 millisecond and 804 millisecond for Extremely inverse. In the current disruption of 4 Ampere relay trip of 257 millisecond for standard Inverse, Very Inverse of 122 millisecond and 060 millisecond for Extremely Inverse. In the results of the test and data can be concluded the performance of more current willing operation has worked according to the characteristic curve of Inverse IEC 60255. So that all the used electronic equipment can be anticipated more well enough to avoid damage.

Keywords: Kata Kunci : Over current relay karakteristik inverse, internet of things, Acs712, Zmpt101b.

Topic: Energy Storage

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/GZzEgTRcvB8L

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