ICoSI 2019 Conference

EcoBot (Eco-Friendly Bottle for Diabetics) Innovation of Eco-Friendly Bottle as Automatic Sugar Container for Diabetes Mellitus Sufferer
Setyawan Wahyu Pratomo (a*), Dzata Farahiyah (b) , Andhikajati Kurnia Adi(b), Aditya Sandi Nugraha(b), Halida Ulfah(b)

(a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia
* setyawan.wahyu[at]uii.ac.id
(b) Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Diabetes Mellitus prelevance in Indonesian society caused by lifestyle that is excessive energy intake while the activity decreases increasingly. Nowdays, people are eating food that contain rich of energy like sugar. The purpose of this paper is to present EcoBot (Eco-Friendly Bottle for Diabtics) a solute tool to overcome Diabetes Mellitus problem in Indonesia. The research method is using QFD method.This method is divided into several parts, namely planning, implementation, evaluation, and action. Planning is done to identify the problem that is analysis of daily sugar consumption, identifying materials and tools, and data collection as a reference tool design and conduct research on the data that has been collected. Implementation is done to product design and product production. The evaluation is to test the products to society. Actions are mass production, copyright registration, and registering patents for EcoBot. The mechanism of work of this tool is using NodeMcu, LED and photodiode , servo, LCD, and android application. The expected result is hopefully EcoBot be able to contribute in reducing and preventing Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesian society.

Keywords: Consumption;Diabetes Mellitus; EcoBot; Sugar;

Topic: International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/GhBavYd63TqJ

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