ICoFA 2019 Conference

Microhydro Potential in Gunung Pasang Plantation Panti Jember East Java
Dedy Eko Rahmanto (a*) Michael Joko Wibowo (a)

a) Renewable energy Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip POBox 164 Jember
* dedy_eko[at]polije.ac.id


Gunung Pasang plantation is located in Panti-Jember. The Gunung Pasang plantation actually already has a Francis type microhydro turbine with a power output of around 30 kW. However, this power is still too small when compared to energy needs in plantations which can reach 90 kW. A study is needed to find out the potential of micro-hydro energy in the Gunung Pasang plantation as a reference for developing micro-hydro energy in the plantation. Potential studies are carried out by measuring the discharge using a current meter and measuring the difference of elevation using a automatic level and altimeter. The result of measurement of potential river flow discharge in the dry season is 0.202 cms. The difference in elevation measured at the first point is 54.19 meters and the second point is 113.09 meters. Microhydro power potential based on the results of calculations by taking a discharge of 0.18 cms for the first point is 69.61 kW and for the second point 145.27 kW. Utilitation of potential power in the second point will be able to meet the electricity needs of the plantation. Economic feasibility analysis is needed if the micro hydro potential is to be developed.

Keywords: energy; Gunung Pasang; microhydro

Topic: Renewable and Novel Energy Sources

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/GqYzmEt9jwb6

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