ICEMINE 2019 Conference

Analysis of the stability of the Overburden (Soil) Slope in the IUP 412 Ha Area, Bukit Tajarang Indarung, PT. Semen Padang West Sumatra
Heri Prabowo, and Ilep Prengki

Universitas Negeri Padang


Based on observations in the field In the IUP 412 Ha area overburden (soil) found on the Tajarang hill, mining must be carried out first so that the next limestone mining process can be carried out, because the limestone is blocked by overburden (soil). On soil slopes in IUP 412 Ha area it has a height of 27 meters and a slope of 79˚. On this overburden (soil) slope, several laboratory tests were conducted to obtain the safety factor (FK) value from the soil slope with several tests. The analysis of the tests carried out was testing the original soil content, soil moisture content, direct shear angle and proctor testing. The results of the analysis of the calculations performed are obtained from: The average fill weight of the 10 soil samples tested was 1.9233 grams / cm3. The average soil water content of the 8 soil samples was 46.75%.

Keywords: soil, shear

Topic: Mining and Metallurgy Engineering


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