ICMScE 2019 Conference

The validity of the mathematics learning based on guided inquiry to improve the mathematical communication skills of students in grade VIII of junior high school
Rozalita Kurani (a*), Hendra Syarifuddin(b)

(a),(b) Faculty of Math and Science, Padang State University, Jl prof.Dr.Hamka Air Tawar Padang,25132,Indonesia.


Mathematics device learning are very important equipment used by teachers in the learning process. Based on the result of observations, researcher found a lack of learning tools that can encourage students to understand concepts in mathematics and activities in the classroom only in the form of one-way learning. It have a negative effect on students, therefore the communication skills of students are still low. This study aims to develop a mathematical learning tool based on the guided inquiry model to improve the mathematical communication skills of eighth grade students of junior high school. The model in this study is the Plomp model which has three steps: Preliminary research, Protytping phase and Assessment. Validity is used with validated validity instruments. The results obtained from this study are (1) RPP which is declared valid with a total value of 3.91 with a very valid category, (2) LKPD which is declared valid in didactic aspects, language and presentation for the average value of a total of 3.6 with a very valid. So it was concluded that the mathematics device learning based on guided inquiry was valid to be used as a learning tool.

Keywords: mathematics device learning; mathematical communication skills; guided inquiry model; plomp model

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/H8KwMyYFWmNP

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