BIS 2019 Conference

Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
Adelia Desrin Nasution, Fahmi Medias

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


Financial issues in the development of waqf projects are currently the main factors faced by waqf institutions in Indonesia. On the other hand, crowdfunding platform offers a solution to the cost problem using the concept of raising funds through social media and internet users. This article aims to describe the model of waqf financing through the crowdfunding platform and its role for the development of waqf in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative approach. This study finds that until the end of 2018, there have been 20 waqif and 45 waqf projects (education, development, human resources, money waqf, environment or fort hasanah) which have been funded by wakafhasanah crowdfunding platform with a total fund of 3,627,088,985 rupiahs. This study is expected to provide an alternative solution for waqf institutions and the government in presenting additional funding sources for waqf development in Indonesia.

Keywords: Waqf, Crowdfunding Platform, Indonesia, BNI Wakaf Hasanah

Topic: Religious Studies


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