BIS 2019 Conference

Mohammad Ghozali, Abdul Hafidz Zaid, A-yun Nadhira, Rahmah Fauziah

Islamic Economic Law, Syariah Faculty, University of Darussalam Gontor


Abstract. The Freelancer workers in Indonesia provide contributions which quite good to the economy of Indonesia. It is affecting the another succeed Freelancer in Indonesia. This Freelancer profession raises several cases, one of which is the zakat that must be spent on this profession, with the development in the age Industry 4.0. The research is aimed to review the zakat profession Freelancers more in and specific, so that people know clearly about zakat profession, especially the profession of freelancer. This Research is a library research (library research) by using the method of qualitative descriptive. Results of this research is there are a lot of deviation in the case of zakat profession, but the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, do not exist which oppose in particular about zakat profession, the scholars there who require and there are not obliging. Thus, researchers analyzed that zakat profession is required so that the muzakki be able to carry out obligations as a Muslim faithful and devoted to improving the welfare economics of mustahiq by volume zakat increasingly rising.

Keywords: Zakat Profesi, Industri 4.0, Freelancer

Topic: Economics


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