BICHS 2019 Conference

Vivi Retno Intening

STIKES Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta


Background : World Health Organization (WHO) has made a grand design on collaborative character building in a formal education in the form of interprofessional education. Interprofessional Education (IPE) is a learning implementation participated by two or more different profession to improve quality of collaboration and service and the implementation can be done in all learning stage academically or clinically (WHO, 2010). There is a crucial need of learning model design of IPE that can build positive perception in health profession students. Student-s condition that is very heterogen brings up different perception and learning experience about IPE. It is important to be deeply explored as data and input of the upcoming IPE program. Objective : To know the perception and learning experience of medical, nursing, and pharmacy students about IPE. Method : This was a qualitative survey research with deep interview. It applied phenomenological qualitative approach. The data was analyzed by coding, categorizing, and deciding the theme of interview result. Result : There were 12 IPE program participants from three different study programs, i.e. medical, nursing, and pharmacy as the respondents of this research. The interview result shows 35 categories, and four themes. Conclusion : IPE participants- perception states IPE is important to be applied in academic stage and the implementation has strengths and weaknesses. While the learning experience states 1) IPE program is important in academic area with some strengths and weaknesses, 2) Nursing students can re-explain the proses of IPE learning in detail, 3) IPE experience encourages self evaluation and motivation, and 4) after joining IPE learning program, nursing students experience some changes in knowledge, attitude, and skills.

Keywords: perception, learning experience, interprofessional education

Topic: Education and Learning


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