ICoSI 2019 Conference

Fair Railroad Business Entity in Indonesia
Reni Anggriani

Faculty of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Railway, one of the modes in the national transportation system, is a mass transportation with its characteristics and advantages. Air the research is the potential of this transportation needs to be developed and enhanced as a regional liaison both nationally and internationally also to support and improve national development for social welfare in order to access justice for using mass transportation especially land transportation namely railways. One spirit of the Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways is the end of the monopoly implementation of railways in Indonesia. The problem is what kind of Railroad Business Entity can carry out the fair railway implementation for the community using these services in Indonesia? The research method is normative and will be carried out with literature. The conclusion in this research is Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways in the provisions of article 1 point 10 concerning private sector needs some explanation for regulations that many private sectors are involved in railroad transportation modes in Indonesia, so that not only Indonesian Railways Company (PT KAI) becomes a sole state-owned railway corporation. The recommendation in this research is need explanation inside Law Number 23 of 2007, so that Indonesian people can access justice for transportation services specifically railways.

Keywords: Railroad, Private Sector, Justice

Topic: ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Hbn8MLV2vNJC

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