AES 2019 Conference

Academic Lecture: The Learning of Social Media in Youth
Fahruddin (a)*, Hasanuddin Chaer (b)*

a) School of Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia
b). Department of language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram, Indonesia


Motivation is the most important factor to increase teenage learning interest through social media. Intrinsic motivation and curiosity are assets for those who are very valuable for increasing the value and quality of learning outcomes and teaching youth. This essay uses analysis of actor-network theory or social-material theory. This theory focuses on two aspects, namely on human agency and material agency. The purpose of this essay is to explain information about the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescents. General exposure to the negative and positive sides of social media. Some positive results, for example: Socialization and communication; increase learning opportunities and access health information such as treatment schedules, because of the emergence of disease and how to prevent it. Negative effects such as: Depression, anxiety, and criminal activity.

Keywords: Motivation, Youth, and Social Media

Topic: Educational Foundations


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