BABTECH 2019 Conference

Development of Cloud-computing based, Wearable Device for Fitness Monitoring
Thariq Ramadhan, Muhamad Falih, Ivy Averina, Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132
e-mail: hariadi[at]


With the change of lifestyle, there is significant reduction of physical activity within society. It is imperative to encourage people to do more outdoor physical exercises with monitored pace. Fitness tracker devices available in the market are relatively still expensive. In this research work, a wearable instrumentation system capable of monitoring physical activities such as walking or running is developed. The instrument is equipped by a number of sensors, including body-temperature sensor, heart-rate sensor, accelerometer and gyro, and elevation sensor. The heart rate sensor provides the vital data related to the level of exercise being performed. The data from these sensors are processed by a battery operated microcontroller. The data from each sensor can be uploaded into a cloud computing platform, so that the user can evaluate the progress of his or her fitness

Keywords: fitness monitoring, accelerometer, heart rate sensor, elevation sensor, cloud computing

Topic: Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


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