ICEMINE 2019 Conference

Assessment of Dumpsite in Indonesia Using Integrated Risk Based Approach: Case Study of Kopi Luhur Dumpsite, Cirebon
Ika Wahyuning Widiarti1,a), Nendia Nur Isni1,b) and Andi Sungkowo1

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta 55293, Indonesia


Kopi Luhur Dumpsite is a waste dump facility from area surrounds Cirebon City. The Kopi Luhur Dumpsite has 9 hectares area that implements an open dumping system that may cause the spread of flies and rat vectors, release unpleasant odors, and reduce environmental aesthetics. Also, the Kopi Luhur Dumpsite has inadequate leachate treatment plant and methane gas control system. The aim of this study was to assess environmental risk due to dumping activities at the Kopi Luhur Dumpsite using IRBA (Integrated Risk-Based Approach). IRBA examines 27 parameters under three classes, namely, site-specific criteria, waste characteristics at the dumpsite, and those related to the quality of leachate from the dumpsite. Data were obtained through mapping in the field, interviews with managers and communities surround and testing samples in the laboratory. The research results showed that the Kopi Luhur dumpsite has corresponded to moderate hazard level with a total risk index score 575.3536. Therefore, the recommendation actions are immediate rehabilitation of the dumpsite into sustainable landfill.

Keywords: Kopi Luhur Dumpsite, IRBA, risk assessment

Topic: Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


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