Analysis of Economic Literacy and Social Environment on Lifestyle and Impact on Student Consumption Behavior
Eldi Mulyana, Tetep (*), Jamilah, Ana Maulana, Odang Hermanto (1)
Insstitut Pendidikan Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to analyse economic literacy and the social environment towards lifestyle and its impact on student consumption behaviour. This research uses quantitative approaches with survey meth-ods. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Data collection using question-naire instruments. The population in this study is a student in the 13 Vocational High School Department of Office administration, accredited A in Garut. Determination of the number of samples using the formula Ta-ro Yamane. Proportionale random sampling technique is used in pulling samples. The results show that the social environment has a positive impact on lifestyle, while economic literacy does not have any impact on lifestyle. The social environment affects student consumption behaviour both directly and indirectly, while economic and lifestyle literacy directly impacts student consumption behaviour. The conclusion that the high-low behavior of student consumption is influenced by economic literacy, social environment and life-style.
Keywords: Economic Literacy, Social Environment, Lifestyle, Consumption Behavior.
Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management