The Consumer-s satisfaction model on Online Delivery Services
Noneng Nurjanah, Ali Mohammad Rezza
Politeknik Pos Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to develop a model which describes the factors that affect the consumer-s satisfaction using online delivery services, case study on Go-Send Services. The Factors influencing consumers satisfaction are identified through understanding about the influence of company image and service quality. This research also indicate that consumer retention influenced by consumer satisfaction simultaneously and service quality directly. Research model testing was conducted using the approach of Partial least Square (PLS) with sample data obtained based through online survey of 150 respondents who had been using Go-send delivery Services. The results of the research will predict a positive relationship between company image and consumer satisfaction, a positive relationship of service quality and consumer satisfaction, a positive relationship between servis quality with consumer retention, and a positive relationship between consumer satisfaction between consumer retention.
Keywords: Company Image, Servis Quality, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Retension, Online Service Delivery
Topic: Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management