INCRID 2019 Conference

Detail Engineering Design Domestic Wastewater Distribution and Treatment System in Sampangan, Bendan Ngisor, Petompon, Gajahmungkur District, Semarang
Junaidi Junaidi1, Nurandani Hardyanti2,Wiharyanto Oktiawan3, Ardining Sunggi Rohmah4, Retno Wulansari5

1Environmental Sciences Doctoral Program, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
2,3,4,5Department of Environmental Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia


Semarang Mayor Regulation No. 42 of 2013 on Semarang City Wastewater Masterplan classified the domestic wastewater management system into two types, off-site and on-site systems. Gajahmungkur district was included in the off-site system. Sampangan, Bendan Ngisor, and Petompon were part of Gajahmungkur district that directly bordered by Kaligarang river. Most residents disposed of greywater into water bodies. This paper aimed to present the results of the Detail Engineering Design (DED) domestic wastewater distribution and treatment system. The method of sampling wastewater used SNI 6989: 59: 2008. Based on the results, TSS values 236 mg/L, COD 331 mg/L, and BOD 116 mg/L. This shown that the domestic wastewater produced was still above the Minister of Environment & Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016. The installation of wastewater used for the Gajahmungkur district consists of Grit Chamber, Collecting Wells, Anaerobic Baffled Reactor, Settling Tank, and Chlorination Tank. The type of domestic wastewater distribution system is a shallow sewer. This plan is divided into 11 blocks and served a population of 20,097 people. The planned budget for the costs required to make this plan is Rp.35.016.315.000,00.

Keywords: Pollution, Technical Planning, Domestic Wastewater Distribution, Shallow Sewer System, Watewater Treatment Plants

Topic: Green Infrastructure


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