INCRID 2019 Conference

Tia Fitriani(*a), Gatot Widiyanto(*b), Ardi Hutri Prayitno(*c), Arief Samsul Bahtiar(*d)

PT. Pertamina (Persero)
Terminal BBM Cikampek
Jl. A Yani, Cikampek Jawa Barat


Abstrak Terminal BBM (TBBM) Cikampek merupakan salah satu TBBM yang berlokasi di area Jawa Barat, yang melayani kebutuhan BBM di sekitar Purwakarta, Subang, Cikampek, dan Bekasi. Sebagai upaya beyond compliance, TBBM Cikampek melakukan berbagai inovasi di bidang efisiensi dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam (energy, air, limbah B3 dan nonB3, Udara, dan keanekaragaman hayati. Beberapa inovasi yang dihasilkan diantaranya Optimalisasi Monitoring Volume Differential antara Flow Meter dengan Sistem MySAP menggunakan Aplikasi Capt. MARVL, efisiensi dan percepatan proses perawatan dan modifikasi tembok kolam pemadam melalui water block di tbbm cikampek/ wablock sebagai sarana efisiensi dan percepatan tembok kolam pemadam, modifikasi jalur drain dari densitometer menggunakan direct line, fix grounding tester mobil tangki, optimalisasi pengambilan sampel pada tangki timbun menggunakan sampling paddle, pemanfaatan scrap untuk gazebo dan di ceria pertamina mini zoo. Seluruh program-program yang telah dilakukan selama 5 tahun mampu memberikan efisiensi energy sebesar 3.893,65 GJ, mereduksi emisi hingga 466.263,46 ton CO2e, konservasi air 6.528,17 m3, reduksi limbah B3 sebesar 16,12 ton, dan pemanfaatan limbah NonB3 sebanyak 7,66 ton. Sebagai salah satu upaya sinergi kemasyarakatan operasional perusahaan terhadap masyarakat sekitar Ring 1 dan Ring 2 sekitar area TBBM Cikampek, Perusahaan juga memiliki program yang mampu memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat sekitar berupa Program Posyantek (Pos Pelayanan Teknologi), Program UMKM Telur Asip Asap Batik Karawang, Dan Program Rumah Kelola Organik. Keseluruhan program-program inovasi yang dibentuk oleh terminal BBM Cikampek merupakan upaya beyond compliance yang berkelanjutan. Abstract Terminal BBM Cikampek (TBBM) is one of the TBBM that located in the West Java area, which distributes fuel needs around Purwakarta, Subang, Cikampek, and Bekasi. As an effort to go beyond compliance, TBBM Cikampek has made various innovations of efficiency and management of natural resources (energy, water, B3 and nonB3 waste, air, and biodiversity), such as Optimization of Differential Volume Monitoring between Flow Meters and MySAP Systems using Capt. MARVL application, efficiency and acceleration of the treatment process and modification of the walls of the fire pool through the water block in, modification of the drain path of the densitometer using direct lines, fix grounding tester truck, sampling optimization in the storage tank using paddle sampling, Scrap utilization for gazebo and Pertamina Ceria mini zoo. All programs that have been carried out for 5 years can provide energy efficiency of 3,893.65 GJ, reducing emissions to 466,263.46 tons of CO2e, water conservation 6,528.17 m3, reduction of B3 waste 16.12 tons, and utilization of NonB3 waste as much as 7.66 tons. As one of the efforts to synergize the companys operational community with communities around Ring 1 and Ring 2 around the Cikampek TBBM area, the Company also has a program that is able to provide benefits to the surrounding communities, that called Posyantek (Technology Service Post) Program, SME Program of Asip Asap Batik Karawang, and Organic Home Management Program. The entire innovation programs established by the Cikampek BBM terminal are ongoing beyond compliance efforts.

Keywords: Kata Kunci: efisiensi sumberdaya, energi, emisi, limbah, keanekaragaman hayatiKeywords: efficiency resources, energy, emissions, waste, biodiversity

Topic: Environment, Health, and Safety


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Tia Fitriani)