AISTEEL 2019 Conference

The Development of Web-Based Learning Media on Economic Subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
Amiruddin Universitas Syiah Kuala: Dept Economy Education Banda Aceh, Indonesia Nana Suraiya Universitas Syiah Kuala: Dept Economy Education Banda Aceh, Indonesia nana@unsyiah,ac,idJuwita Ulfa Universitas Syiah Kuala: Dept Economy Education Banda Aceh, Indonesia

SyiahKuala University Banda Aceh Indonesia


This research has a focus on problem solving related to web based learning media which developed for the economic subject. The aim of this research was to develop and design the web-based learning materials in order to measure the properness on economical subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh. This research was the kind of Research and development research which guided by using ADDIE research model. There was analysis stage which conducted to analyze the students difficulties on economic subject. The stages started by designing the web based media. Right after the media development has done, the research went to the next step by measuring the material and validation which conducted by a professional validator. In this research, the validator consisted of economic subject teacher, 2 professional media validators and an economic lecture as a validator for teacher and students questionnaire feedback. The implementation conducted to students in class 11 IPS 1 which consisted of 24 students and class 11 IPS 2 which consisted of 28 students. The evaluation was needed to find out and measure the given feedback related to web based learning which handed out to students and teachers. The feedback questionnaire also showed the positive response which could be categorized as decent. The students responses related to the given web based learning materials were measured based on the field test. Furthermore the feedbacks result related to the web based learning media was also show the positive responses which categorized as very good. Overall it can be concluded that web based learning media on economic subject was worth to be applied as future web based learning media

Keywords: Learning Media, Web, Economic

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Nana Suraiya)