BIS 2019 Conference

Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi

Islamic Education Department, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya.
Jalan Sutorejo 59, Surabaya 60113, Indonesia


Multiculturalism and Citizenship are two discourses which are still interesting to study. Therefore, an effort is needed that minimizes and allows to open new insights and discourses about multiculturalism and citizenship. These things are actually caused because it always involves religious emotions, which are called religious commitment and religous claims that allow someone to provide themselves to be the most loyal adherents. Even though the actual issue of religous commitment and religous claim is something that can not be denied its presence, in a more positive perspective, not in the opposite perspective so that paying attention to other people as partners in inter and interfaith dialogue. Actually the goal that needs to get attention by activists and activists of inter and interfaith dialogue in the country so that the tradition of dialogue with other parties is not impeded but encouraged. In this article, use the type of library research (literature study) with a descriptive-qualitative model. Based on the explanation previously stated, it is considered necessary to do a massive study that is more serious and respects cultural diversity, theological diversity - especially in Indonesia - both in terms of fiqh, morals, and theology which are more inclusive than fiqh and exclusive theological studies . The interpretation of inclusive religious texts will contribute positively to the development of an exclusive and closed theological perspective. Finally it must be realized, that there are internal and external problems that affect religious understanding in Indonesia. Internal factors are very diverse understandings, from moderate, progressive and conservative. While external factors or those coming from outside the religious text, but because of different conditions outside of religion, for example conditions of poverty, ignorance and marginalization or backwardness of the community.

Keywords: Multicultural, Citizenship, Islam, and Public Policy

Topic: Religious Studies


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