ICoSI 2019 Conference

Introducing Local Wisdom through Narrative: Teaching English in Higher Education
Titis Sulistyowati S.S. M.Pd; Dr. Sri Surachmi W. M.Pd

Muria Kudus University


One of the functions of Indonesian national education is developing human resources. It is a great responsibility for our government to build up education curriculum which support good human skill and knowledge and also contribute to form attitude and behavior. Students- good attitude and behavior have been the focus of our education system since the issue of character building is becoming very crucial in the global education. We realize that it is very important to instill good characters which relevant to Indonesian culture and wisdom. Indonesia is a multicultural country in which there are so many local wisdom lies within the people folks and legends. In fact those folks and legends represent the people norms, believes and way of thinking. However some of those norms and believes have nearly forgotten by young generation. Therefore it is a necessity to transfer those to them in such a way that attracts them. Narratives have been used to attract young students to strengthen moral value and building good characters. Young learners are always interested in story because they can learn and at the same time they get entertained. Those which reveal local folks and legends will be useful for introducing the history and the wisdom of their former. Kudus is well-known as moslem city and has many folks and legends related to the dissemination of Islamic religion. Two of The Islamic former in java or known as ‘Wali Songo-, Sunan Muria and Sunan Kudus are the figures that are believed as the role model of the local wisdom and has established the people attitude in every aspects of social-economic life. Therefore in this paper, the writer will try to figure out how local narrative can be used as the source of learning English and also introducing the tradition and norms to English Education Department students.

Keywords: Key words: Local Wisdom, Narrative, Teaching English, and Higher Education

Topic: International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Jrh8GV7kLPBH

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