Pyrolysis of Water Hyacinth for Liquid Smoke Production
Rita Dwi Ratnani, Hadiyanto, Widiyanto
Wahid Hasyim University
INTRODUCTION Environmental sustainability around Rawa pening has changed due to the density of water hyacinth weeds. Water hyacinth experiences very rapid growth due to eutrophication. Eutrophication is the presence of excess nutrients in the form of nitrate and phosphate which are sourced from agricultural activities, fisheries, settlements and livestock from the land around the lake. This is what causes the growth of water hyacinth very quickly, in a short time to multiply1. To control and utilize water hyacinth, one of them is by using pyrolysis technology. Biomass pyrolysis is carried out at high temperatures. Pyrolysis comes from two words namely pyro and lysis, which means decomposition. Biomass pyrolysis is usually carried out at temperatures above 150 °C. Pyrolysis is divided into two based on the level of the process, namely primary and secondary. Primary pyrolysis takes place at temperatures less than 600 °C. The main result is carbon or charcoal. Primary pyrolysis is further divided into two namely fast and slow pyrolysis primary. Slow primary pyrolysis occurs at 150-300 °C heating. The results obtained in this condition are carbon, water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Rapid primary pyrolysis that occurs at temperatures over 300 °C will produce gas, carbon and steam2. Secondary pyrolysis is that occurs at temperatures above 600 °C. at this temperature the result is carbon monoxide, hydrogen, hydrocarbons and Tar around 1-6% 3.4. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition of Rawapenings water hyacinth and study the effect of pyrolysis time on the volume of liquid smoke products. The stages of the research carried out are as follows: Water hyacinth is cut into pieces with a size of about 2-3 cm and then a pyrolisator is added. A total of 700 g of water hyacinth sample into the pyrolysator is stainless steel. The dependent variable in this study is the type of water hyacinth that has been dried in the sun. Water hyacinth is taken from Rawapening. In testing the chemical composition observed is the content of hemicellulose, cellullose and lignin. The independent variables are at temperatures of 117 °C, 400 °C and 683 °C. The volume of liquid smoke that comes out after passing through the condenser is recorded in volume. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of observations of the chemical composition of the water hyacinth Rawapening can be seen in Figure (a). The chemical composition of the water hyacinth that was observed to have hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content respectively was 36, 21 and 7 percent dry weight. In the picture also explained the chemical composition of other materials, namely wood kers, soft wood, coconut shell and cassava stems. So it can be believed that the results obtained from observations made in the integrated laboratory Undip show that water hyacinth can be used as raw material for liquid smoke. Biomass containing lignocellullose when undergoing pyrolysis p
Keywords: Liquid smoke, lignocellulose, pyrolysis, water hyacinth
Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture