INCITEST 2019 Conference

IoT Monitoring Environment : Pregnant Women and People With Respiratory Diseases
I Putu Angga Widnyana (a), Angelina Pramana Thenata (a), Suyoto (a)

a) Master of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jalan Babarsari 43 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) air pollution has caused 7 million people to die each year. Air pollution is around our environment and is difficult to avoid especially in Indonesia where most people are often not in place to burn garbage, smoke, etc so that the air becomes polluted and if inhaled, especially pregnant women and their fetuses can cause health problems in the respiratory system, circulation blood, damage the lungs, heart, and brain. In addition, sufferers of respiratory disease will get worse if they do not pay attention to the surrounding environment. Based on the problem, this study aims to conduct environmental monitoring to maintain the health of pregnant women and their fetuses and people with respiratory disease. The monitoring device uses three sensors, namely a smoke sensor, an air sensor, and a heart rate sensor that is constantly measured and if it captures abnormal values of the surrounding environment it will send warning information via a smartphone. This proposed monitoring device implements the Internet of Things (IoT). This IoT application is useful for medical staff to control the condition of pregnant women and people with respiratory diseases in their environment by receiving biomedical data from monitoring devices that are connected to pregnant women and people with respiratory diseases so that in emergency conditions medical staff can act faster. Future work is needed to advance the health sector related to sensors and systems that can be used in environmental monitoring devices.

Keywords: IoT; Pregnant Women; Respiratory Diseases

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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