AICMAR 2019 Conference

Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction Level on Consumer Loyalty of MRT trains (Case Study in Ciputat Area)
Djoko Hananto,S.T.,M.M, Sampor Ali, SE.,S.Hum.,M.M

Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia


Research aiming for knowing influence quality service and level satisfaction in a manner partial or simultant to loyalty consumer, sample inresearch this is all consumer who use service the train MRT in Ciputat, sample taken with use purposive sampling technique are required. Criteria sample is consumer whouse services the train MRT, and data collection is done with spread questionnaire to 96 respondents. Met hod the analysis in research thi is with use analysis multiple and processed data with SPSS version22. Result this to show that quality service and satisfaction level take effect positif and significant to Loyalty Consumers. While the result others to show Quality service and Satisfaction Level in manner simultant and influence Loyalty Consumers.

Keywords: Keywords: Quality Service , Level of Satisfaction , Loyalty Consumer

Topic: Marketing


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