ECEP 2019 Conference

CHARACTER EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDREN (Program Evaluation at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung Regency)
Taufik Mustofa, Rina Syafrida, Iqbal Amar Muzaki

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang


Evaluative research is conducted to find out the effectiveness of character education implementation in the context of input or improvement to PAUD organizers. As applied in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung, which already uses a character education approach. This study uses an evaluation method with a qualitative approach. With the evaluation method the researcher is expected to be able to give an assessment of the implementation of the Character Education approach in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten which incidentally uses Character Education. The results of the research were allegedly able to provide the effectiveness of quality character education programs and quality, as well as being able to provide an assessment of the management of the program, the advantages and disadvantages of the implemented program. Based on the results of research conducted, it was found that the Approach to Learning Character Education applied at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten had a positive impact on learning outcomes and the progress of students development.

Keywords: Education, Character, Early Children

Topic: Character Education for Early Year Children


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