ICAS 2019 Conference

Development Policy of Metropolitan Area in East Indonesia : Impact on Urban Governance
Herlina Sakawati,Widyawati, Sulmiah, Novayanti Sophia Rukmana

Public Administration, Social Faculty, Makassar State University, Makassar


Development of metropolitan area in eastern Indonesia was established in 2003 which is regulated in Regional Regulation No.10 of 2003, concerning the Spatial Plan of the Mamminasata Metropolitan Area. Two years later the central government issued a policy about eastern Indonesia metropolitan which is regulated in Government Regulation No.7 of 2005. Six years later, the government issued a policy to establish a metropolitan region of eastern Indonesia as one of the national strategic area appropriate with Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2011. This study is focused on analyzing development policies in the metropolitan area in eastern Indonesia and their impact on urban governance. Descriptive research method with a practical approach is used to process data obtained from interviews and observations, reinforced by the study of secondary data from previous research results, as well as data from related institutions. The results of the study indicate that the metropolitan area policy seen from the institutional approach, functional process approach, and citizen participation approach, has not been able to be implemented properly. There is overlapping of authority between organizations that play a role in managing the development of metropolitan areas causing constraints on some developments. The lack of community participation in policy formulation has led to a reaction from some groups against the implementation of metropolitan area development in Eastern Indonesia.

Keywords: Development, Metropolitan Area, Policy

Topic: Public Administration

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/KfQWxTk4HMXV

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