ICCD 2019 Conference

Waste Bank Socialization Increases Community Prosperity In Anggadita Village
Dian Primanita Oktasari (a), Lukertina Lukertina (b), Dudi Permana (c), Fatchur Rohman (d)

a)Universitas Mercu Buana, b)Universitas Brawijaya


Abstract – Anggadita Village utilizes the potential of 5,500 m2 of land for fish enlargement and fishing activities. And there are still 5050 m2 of land that has not been utilized. This untapped land will be used to build waste sorting, processing and recycling facilities to make the Citarum River clean and maintained. The area of Anggadita Village is 2.94 Km. Based on situation analysis, efforts should be made to provide alternative solutions that can help clean the Citarum River, sector 18, from Walahar Village to the Emba Bridge Village House and specifically in Sukajaya Village by adding value to the treatment of sorted waste. In addition, activities are needed that can add enthusiasm and skills for all residents and cadres of the Waste Bank to process waste into valuable items, for compost and can also be used as a planting medium for hydroponic plants. Addressing problems that occur in the partner community as described, offers several methods of approach to help solve existing problems by conducting training and counseling methods to produce some economic value products. Implementation of this Partnership Program, the community will be given some training and mentoring activities: waste segregation training, waste management training, managerial and entrepreneurial skills training and Assistance for training participants.

Keywords: Waste Banks, Waste,and Entrepreneur.

Topic: Communication Environment

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Kfj4rZdykLhW

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