Biotechnology of the Rice Straw Fermentation Using Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma Concerning in the Lignin dan Cellulos Content
S.Sukaryani, Engkus A.Y and Yos W.H
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara
The rice straw is compost head that common and easily obtained in Indonesia. It is very potential use as a forage alternative substitute for the fresh forage. However, rice straw as forage has a limiting factor in it is use as forage. The limiting factor of rice straw is the low content of the crude protein, high content of crude fiber, lignin, cellulose and silica. The efforts to overcome the limiting factors that exist in rice straw, an alternative efforts that can be done are to provide the treatment of immersion in a solution of alkaline (lime), and the process of the rice straw fermentation by using inukulum microbial selulitik and lignoselulitik (Trichoderma sp and Aspergillus sp. ). The research method is experimental, with four kinds of treatment and repeated in five times. The design that uses RAL unidirectional pattern and if there are differences among treatments carried out a further test with DMRT (level 1% and 5%). These treatments are T0: the rice straw without fermented; T1: the rice straw that is fermented with Aspergillus niger; T2: the rice straw that is fermented with Trichoderma sp; T3: the rice straw that is fermented with a combination of microorganisms as Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma sp. The results showed that the rice straw fermentation with Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma mutants AA1 very significantly increase the content of cellulose and lower lignin content. The highest cellulose achieved by T3 (20.297%) followed by T2 (18.191%), T1 (17.712%) and T0 (16.747%). While the lowest content of lignin achieved by T3 (14.793%), followed T2 (26.063%), T1 (26.421%) and T0 (38.164%) The conclusion of this study were 1) fermentation of the rice straw can increase the content of cellulose and lower lignin content, 2 ) a combination of two different kinds of fungus (Aspergillusniger and Trichoderma) on the rice straw fermentation results cellulose content highest and lowest lignin content.
Keywords: aspergillusniger, cellulos, lignin, trichoderma
Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture