AASEC 2019 Conference

Digital Startup Implementation in e-learning
Andri Heryandi1*, Vivih Rossa Dianti2, Muhammad Yusup3



The purpose of this study describes the analysis of the development of digital startup in the field of education, as well as the advantages of digital startups in the Learning Management System (LMS). This case study uses descriptive method, in order to conduct a separate search for groupings related to several variables studied. At the end of this research is to measure which digitality computer learning startup. By entering a digital startup, the learning process is done by using video learning, practice questions and discussions, and also a learning module that can be downloaded as a material for learning, a learning process that can be used effectively, can help time and place of learning.

Keywords: e-learning,Digital Start Up, LMS

Topic: Computer Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/LUrPfcm9Naud

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Andri Heriyandi)