ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Study of the Significance of Signage in Transportation Buildings
Restu Minggra (a*), Tutin Aryanti (a), Adam Sapta Maulida (a)

(a) Architecture Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207, Bandung.


Maintaining the quality of transportation buildings is necessary, refer to the number of passengers that escalating every year. Effective movement management is essential to assist the passengers direction and determine the orientation at the transportation building. Signage, as part of the wayfinding system, plays a vital role in managing the passengers movements. The appearance of signage that dominates the visuals in the building intensifies the value of the signage itself. Furthermore, the signages transformed into a significant element that creates another quality for the building. This research aimed to found the role of the signage as part of the building component in the several terminals of MRT and KRL in Jakarta. Observation and data collection related to architecture and signage have been carried out. The result shows that signage has a role in how users experiencing the building and the transportation system itself.

Keywords: signage; transportation; Wayfinding System;

Topic: Architecture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/LduYwkbgeXEp

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