BIS 2019 Conference

Effect of Tourism Environment on Student Character Education in Primary Schools
Ananda Akmalia (a), Esti Nur Fadila (b), Rasidi (c*), Khusnul Laely (d)

a,b) FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
c,d) FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


Effect of Tourism Environment on Student Character Education. Education is a planned effort in the process of mentoring and learning for individuals to develop and grow into independent, responsible, creative, knowledgeable, healthy, and noble people both in physical and spiritual aspects. Humans who have a noble character, who have high morality are very required to be formed or built. The Indonesian people do not merely exude the importance of education, but also how the Indonesian people can realize the concept of education by coaching, training and empowering Indonesian human resources sustainably and equitably. With and through education, Indonesian children can seize opportunities that can empower life. One of them is a good understanding of the Tourism Environment.

Keywords: Tourism Environment, Character Education Students

Topic: Education


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