ISLLCE 2019 Conference

Eli Rustinar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


SWEAR IN BENGKULU-MALAY LANGUAGE IN BANTER PRESPECTIVE Eli Rustinar Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu ABSTRACT In society, mostlyswear is prohibited from being used freely in the public because the nature of swearing is attacking. Swear is rude words that violate the principle of politeness implicature.The realization of politeness in the swear of Bengkulu-Malay languageas can be seen in the results of Rustinar (2017) and (2018) showed thatthe language spoken is a rude word, mencarut, a swear in the form of anger but also can be found swear in the form ofjokes with the intention of friendship, intimacy, and affection. Jokes or banter in the pragmatic science of Leech (1993:228) is a way to offendin a friendly manner (mock-impoliteness). This banter principle is the least important communication principle, but it is manifested in casual conversation, especially among young children when they are swearing. The implication of banter is contrary to the politeness implicature, which is to show solidarity with t, say something to t which is (i) clearly untrue, and (ii) clearly disrespectful. The research method is qualitative with a distributional study method. Source of data comes from the library references, the research results, and the field data. The data is a swear of the Bengkulu-Malay language. Whiledata collection methods and techniques are carried out through the written observation method with recording techniques and introspection methods. Data analysis uses the distribution method. The results showed thatthere were 14 swear data could be found as a banter.

Keywords: Swear, Bengkulu-Malay Language, Banter

Topic: Language


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