MICEB 2019 Conference

Impact of Coal Prices on Financial Performance Toward Coal Mining Company Value
Hedi Hastriawan (a), Anis Rachma Utary (b), Musdalifah Azis (c)

a) hedihastriawan[at]ymail.com, University of Mulawarman
b) anis_utary[at]ymail.com, University of Mulawarman
c) musdalifah.azis[at]gmail.com, University of Mulawarman


Firm value is a very important thing because it will affect the investors decision to invest in the company. One of the factors that can influence company value is the companys financial performance. Based on IHSG data at closing date of February 20, 2018, the IHSG posted its highest position at the level of 6,693, where the mining sector had the highest rate of return of 26.99%. In the mining sector, the coal mining subsector has the largest number. Coal mining companies are companies with strongly influenced by the movement of predetermined global commodity prices called Reference Coal Prices (HBA). HBA experienced a significant increase since November 2016 to reach its highest point in August 2018 at a price of USD 107.83 per ton. Based on this, the researchers are interested in making an impact of coal prices on financial performance toward coal mining company value. The results showed that the financial performance of the value of coal mining companies proxied by profitability had a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile the impact of coal prices can only strengthen and moderate the effect of financial performance as measured by profitability on the value of coal mining companies.

Keywords: Financial Performance; Firm Value; Coal Prices

Topic: Management

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/MCX7uag24GJ8

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