ICISER 2019 Conference

Communication Strategy on Womens Political Leadership in Indonesia
Siti Savira Ivonne Ralie Siregar (a*), Sari Monik Agustin (b)

a) Communication Management Postgraduate Program, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba Raya 4, RT.4/RW.5, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
b) Communication Management Postgraduate Program, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba Raya 4, RT.4/RW.5, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia


Twenty years have passed since Indonesia first entered the period of reformation and womens political rights are still being fought and advocated throughout acts of various policies and official movements, such as law ratification on womens political freedom, due to the relatively low rate of womens interest in todays political form. This kind of initiative aims to remove barriers that hold women from participating in political institution, especially as leaders. The lacking number of female leaders in Indonesia has successfully portrayed politics as a male-dominated world. Using a discourse analysis and descriptive approach, this paper places strong emphasis on the rationale behind this phenomenon based on gender-related findings, literatures, and documentations from the Internet. The results of this study show that social construction of gender plays a significant part in this case and suggest an integrated application of strategical communication plan is firmly required to improve womens leadership quality and prevent women from being marginalised and muted. The study also finds that womens participation and leadership has the potential to contribute betterment to and balance the existing political system in Indonesia.

Keywords: Politics, Leadership, Participation, Women, Gender, Communication, Indonesia

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/MEjdrUBh43uR

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