ICISER 2019 Conference

Construction of Sympathy on Crowdfunding through Social Media (Case Study of @adamfabumi Instagram Account)
Shallini Florencia (a), Dr. Ir. Firman Kurniawan Sujono M.Si (b)

a,b) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba , Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Jakarta Pusat 10430
a) shallinyf[at]gmail.com


In the era of digital media, almost all aspects of life rely on this facility. Including community efforts when forming empathy and concern in achieving a cure and other goals.. This descriptive qualitative research explains how simpathy is constructed by fundraisers in a crowdfunding that is practiced and published through Instagram account based on Peter L. Bergers Social Construction Theory. Primary data in this study are compiled through interviews, and for the secondary data are documentations compiled from the Internet. The criteria for informants in this study are 1) Having an Instagram account, 2) A follower of the Instagram account @adamfabumi, 3) Donors. The results of this study show how before forming the sympathy, individuals conduct a personal analysis to validating the content on @adamfabumi Instagram account, and the verification encouraged individuals to donate. Social media plays an important role in creating intersubjective reality, that is able to facilitate a broad audience in a short time to participate in crowdfunding.

Keywords: Instagram, Social Media, Crowdfunding, Social Construction of Reality, Sympathy

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/MGU9yFA6JrNf

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Shallini Florencia)