Analysis of Inundation in East Surabaya
Aninda Rahmaningtyas, S.T. (a), Dr. techn. Umboro Lasminto, S.T., M.Sc.(b), Dr. Ir. Edijatno, DEA (b)
a) Student of Magister Program, Hydroinformatic, Civil Engineering Department, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Raya ITS Street, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Lecturer of Civil Engineering Department, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Raya ITS Street, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
The eastern part of Surabaya is the low area which are often flooded during the rainy season. Rainflow in this area influenced by tides so that inundation will occur when it rains along with the sea in high tide conditions. To be able to mitigate these inundations it is necessary to know the potential areas of inundation caused by rain with various return periods. In this study a flood flow simulation with a combination of 1D and 2D was carried out using the HEC-RAS computer program. The simulation results show inundated areas so that information can be obtained on the depth, area and duration of the flooded area in the eastern part of Surabaya.
Keywords: Inundation; HEC-RAS; East Surabaya
Topic: International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering