BIS 2019 Conference

Islamic International Relations as a Potential Soft Power of Indonesian Diplomacy
Sofi Mubarok (a*). Rudi Candra (b).

Universitas Darussalam Gontor


This article is the result of research on the development of Islamic International Relations in Indonesia developed by several International Relations Study Programs under the auspices of Islamic Universities, which are incorporated in the INSIERA (The Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association). INSIERA is an epistemic group that was initiated by several Islamic universities that developed the integrations of Islam and International Relations including, Darussalam University (UNIDA) Gontor, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY), Indonesian Islamic University (UII) Yogyakarta, Muhammadiyah University Malang (UMM) and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. On the other hand, the development of Islamic perspectives in the study of International Relations in Indonesia occurs in an international situation that is filled with internal or international conflicts, which can be seen from the political situation in several Muslim countries, such as: Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and several other Muslim countries. Is clear evidence of how the diplomatic process of democracy did not work as it should. From this hope, the results of studies from thinkers of Islamic International Relations in Indonesia, can crystallize into Islamic International Relations concept and method, as Indonesias soft power diplomacy capital in the international sphere, as well as alternative solutions to reduce the potential for world conflict. By using a qualitative-descriptive approach, this research reveals that Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the World, can market religious and cultural diplomacy as the main bargaining value. The development of the international world which is always changing, has also changed the paradigm of diplomacy; If previously the ability of hard power was the main bargaining value in diplomacy, but now soft power is a strategic medium of diplomacy between countries. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world has the cultural superiority and Islamic identity to then be used as the main diplomacy media.

Keywords: Soft Power Diplomacy, Islamic International Relations, International Relations Study Program, Islamic University, Indonesia.

Topic: International Relations


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