BEST 2019 Conference

The Performance of Building Construction Supply Chain: A case study in building construction project
M.A. Wibowo(a), N.U. Handayani(b*), G. Sinaga(b), M.N. Sholeh(c), M.M. Ulkhaq(b)

a Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
b Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
c Civil Engineering, Vocational School, Diponegoro University

* naniekh[at]


Supply chain is the interconnected hierarchy of supply contracts necessary to procure a built asset. On a traditional building project, design consultants are first tier suppliers, working for the client, and the contractor has a supply chain of sub-contractors and specialist suppliers. The problems in the construction industry is that the first and second tier of the supply chain sign up to impartially difficult arrangements but as the chain develops, so the contractual responsibilities decrease until suppliers at the end of the chain are often not locked in at all. The construction of the Diponegoro University Psychology building began September 29, 2017 with a target of 300 days. The deviation between the realization of project work and the planning timeline is -10.37% in the 7th month. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the supply chain process in building construction project. The Supply Chain Operation References (SCOR) is going to be applied to measures the performance of construction projects based on five material planning processes (plan) and project work schedules, material procurement (source), implementation of construction work (make), material delivery (deliver), and the return process if there is a material return (return). The Matrix (OMAX) and Traffic Light method is going to be used to assess the performance of cement and steel structure as the main material on this building project. The results of the assessment with Omax and traffic light obtained that the supply chain performance of cement material is worth 4.3 of the maximum value is 10. Supply chain performance for iron material worth 5.4 from the maximum value is 10. This shows that supply chain performance is quite good but needs repaired.

Keywords: construction supply chain, SCOR, building project

Topic: Civil Engineering


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