BIS 2019 Conference

Zakat Corporation : The Way to Improve the Management of Zakat Institutions in Indonesia
Lungid Wicaksana, Kristina Setyowati, Didik Gunawan Suharto

Master of Public Administration, Universitas Sebelas Maret


Abstract — The emergence of a new law on the management of Zakat raises pros and cons, both among the citizen and private sector zakat institutions. Whats more, recently, there were rules about cutting 2.5% of zakat for Civil Servants. This seems to make the private sector zakat institution more subordinated. In several studies revealed that with the latest zakat management rules, private sector zakat institutions feel they dont get enough space and are subordinated to several existing policies. And it is feared that it will be very detrimental to the private sector zakat institution which is considered to have a small amount of people, because there must be a requirement that must be approved to obtain legality. Nonetheless, several attempts have been made by the government to embrace the interests of zakat management through good cooperation between public and private zakat institutions. Through a literature review study with Boolean Logic, several online journals were selected according to the needs of this study. With the aim of research to find out how the efforts of zakat institutions in Indonesia in order to develop and improve the mechanism of zakat management systems optimally and to embrace various interests that develop in society.

Keywords: Corporation, Zakat, Management

Topic: Government Studies


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