INCITEST 2019 Conference

Implementation Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi
A. P. Sujana, A. Y. Prastyawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia


In this research using the Raspberry Pi as a server. This server is built as a web server that contains an information system service. Information system services in displaying users connected to the network. In a network, each user uses a different device. Each device has a MAC address that by default is unique, depending on the vendor that provides it. This server makes use of every MAC Address user that is connected to the network as a presence on this local network. Raspberry Pi as this server identifies the MAC Address user that is connected to this network, becoming an information that is processed as a form of attendance. This research has been used in the attendance system of lecturers in Computer Systems study programs. The result is by utilizing the MAC Address that is owned by each lecturer, it is able to identify the presence of the lecturer.

Keywords: Mac Address, Raspberry Pi, Information System

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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