ISCRBM 2019 Conference

The Impact of Push-Pull Mooring Factor Toward Customer Switching Intention on Internet Service Provider in Indonesia
Titah Kusumastiti (a), Dr. Ir. Tengku Ezni Balqiah (b)

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia
Jl Salemba Raya RW 5, Kenari, Central of Jakarta, Indonesia (a, b)

email : titahkusumast[at] (a), tebalqiah[at] (b)


Internet becomes the major need in Indonesian households. Based on APJII data in 2019, therere 500 Internet Service Providers, both mobile and fixed internet. For fixed internet service providers (FISP) alone, the customer faced the top 6 of FISP which can be an alternative for providing household needs. This study examines the factors that influence a customers switching intention on fixed internet services provider using the Push-Pull Mooring model. The study employs a quantitative approach using an online survey on about 200 Indonesian respondents experience using cable internet for at least one month. The study uses the structural equation model to examine the data. The result shows that push factors (service quality, perceived price, perceived value), and pull factor (alternative attractiveness, subjective norm) have positive impacts on switching intention, and mooring factors (inertia, commitment) has a negative impact to switching intention. For moderation, the mooring factor has a varying level impact on switching intention. The validation of the most factors influencing customer-s switching intention can be a reference for the internet service provider to formulate a marketing strategy to minimize customer-s switching intention. This study builds a comprehensive model of the customer switching intention for internet service providers in Indonesia.

Keywords: switching intention, internet service provider, push-pull mooring factor, PPH model

Topic: Marketing


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