ICIEVE 2019 Conference

The Influence of The Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams in The Arch of The Cap and Andong Bamboo Digraph A Screw Screen Toward Shear Test
Muchtar (a*), Krish Madyono (a), Ahmad Baihaqi (a*)

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Bandung State Polytechnic, Bandung 40012, Indonesia


The potential of bamboo as one of the materials that have a high tensile strength of parallel fibres is expected to be an alternative material to replace steel reinforcement. It is very feasible to use because bamboo is a renewable resource, cheap, easily cultivated, relatively fast growth, and the use of bamboo can play an important role as a first step in realizing savings of renewable resource. This research will develop bamboo as reinforcement which is applied to the structure of reinforced concrete beams by making modifications that utilize as much as possible the strongest part of bamboo, namely on the skin. The specimens were designed in the form of reinforced concrete blocks with dimensions of 200 x 400 x 1700 mm, with 2 bars of compressive reinforcement and pulling 3 D13 rods while imperfectly shaped bamboo stirrups with dimensions of 12 x 12 mm. In the modification made on bamboo reinforcement, there are 2 types of reinforcement, namely bamboo reinforcement using 1-inch screw nails and bamboo reinforcement using 1½ inch screw nails, while the distance between screw nails is taken at 75 mm. Reinforcement area there is 4 strain gauge.

Keywords: Bamboo; Bamboo Reinforcement; Concrete Beams; Shear Test

Topic: Civil Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/MuPVaeDZRG4X

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