BCM 2019 Conference

Semiotics Analysis on PT. Tiki Indonesia Advertising
fajarsani Retno Palupi

Telkom University


Each ads that released by a company contains an "information" that wants to be transferred to the public to clarify identity and obtain public recognition of the company. One company that has interesting advertisements to review is a Tiki company advertisement that is in the field of shipping and logistics. The method used to analyze this advertisement is semiotics, by looking at the markers in the visualization of Tiki Indonesian brand advertisements. The visual elements analyzed by 3 aspects: 1) Meaning of Representation; 2) Meaning of Interaction; 3) The Meaning of Composition. In the social semiotics of these markers used to analyze the message that the designer wants to convey to the community. The constituent elements though seem simple but have a message hidden in it.

Keywords: advertisements, semiotics, visualisation

Topic: Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/MyVPea8DGjzd

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